And true to Michigan the weather is holding up nicely with lots of rain, wind, and cold temps. Yet with all that being said, this is why all our men (most anyway) decide to get up at 4am and go sit outside waiting for a deer to unfortuanatly cross their path so that they can shoot their big guns! Yes they go out, pump out their chests and become real men. Bring home meat for women!! (Tim Allen would probably throw in a grunt or two right about here.)
Then there are men like in my case where they go out, freeze their asses off, drink way too much, gamble all their money away, and then become completely useless to the rest of society for a minimum of 10-15 days while they prepare for the hunt, go to the hunt, and then discuss the same old stories inside out over and over again until there is not a person on the planet that has not heard of the one that got away, and then recoupperate from the hunt as well!!!
So let's discuss how this really went. Last week loving husband decided that we haven't had enough germs in the house and he caught the cold that has circled it's ugly little head all around between us in this house.. So what did he do? NOTHING!! A BIG FAT NOTHING FOR 3 DAYS STRAIGHT!!! No work, no help with the kids, heck, the man didn't even get out of bed for most of that 2 day period. So as he sat around feeling all sorry for himself who shows up, his mommy! That's right kids, as if dealing with a sick man isn't enough now we have to add to the mix the loving mommy who feeds into it and brings him medicine from a doctor who should frankly be put out of business in my opinion. (Someone really should regulate these pills, herbs, and inhalants these holostic doctors somehow manage to get away with selling. My mother-in-law has spend billions on this crap that is just pointless... but that is another blog entirely!!)
So now that the ugly little circle is continuing and I also have this cold, what am I doing? EVERYTHING!!! And this is a true must as he needs to go sit out in the cold rainy woods to find food for our family right? Yes I am sick AGAIN!!! That makes the 1,386,428th time this year alone. Fine, I'm getting pretty good at having a snotty little nose and a sore throat. Here is where the problems lie...
Our week at a glance
Monday night.
I get home from work after a very long and eventful day (got the promotion that I was shooting for) couldn't wait to sit down to a nice meal with the family and tell them all about the news. Did I have that luxury?? Hell no I didn't. I was faced with getting home to an empty house, my husband (who I still felt bad for at this point) working until 8:30pm, and a 1-year old that was as cranky as could be because Grandma didn't allow an afternoon nap. So grumpy that there was no way that this child was going to eat dinner and straight to bed she went at 7pm. Real nice... Not to mention the 18 year who also was sick, just getting back from her doctor appointment as she ended up with a sinus infection from all the wonderful germs. Well fine and dandy, Monday is shot so let's just go to bed and start over tomorrow!
Tuesday night.
Husband apparently now decided that working late is the new forte again doesn't get home until late. Why so late? Let me explain this to you further. Back to hunting.. gambling and drinking remember. Well, the man was told in no uncertain terms that there was no extra cash so he was on his own to come up with cash for the gambling and rambling after I paid the bills. So what does he do? He picks up every side job possible to ensure the gambling and drinking. Does this affect me? HELL NO if you ask him. So now why am I upset about this on Tuesday you ask... I mean after all I should totally be used to this by now after being married to the man and with him for a sentence of no less then 8 years come February. I am upset. I am now catching this stupid cold back so I am tired, grumpy, dealing with once again a grumpy baby who is also probably trying to get over this stupid cold since her nose hasn't stopped running in a minimum of no less then 3 months time, I need groceries, diapers, to get dinner on the table, and at least be able to have 5 minutes to try to straighten up our untidy little home. So what does this wonderful man do?
HE GOES OUT WITH THE GUYS FOR COFFEE OF COURSE!!! Truly a time to discuss many more hunting expeditions of past and present. By the time that he dragged his butt home it was nearly 9pm. How many of you other nice people out there reading this want to do all these things listed at 9pm? Exactly! And does it end there? Of course not, after all the hunting is only 2 days away so we must pack up now... and continue that packing until the week hours into the night! I did tell you that his mommy brought him medicine when he was sick right? Where is my mommy to yell at him for staying up so late on a school night!
So we forgive and move forward yet again...
Wednesday night.
Now keeping in mind that I had the babies on Monday and Tuesday makes it a little difficult to get from work, pick them up, and then get to the hospital to have my blood drawn for these stupids HCG levels, so I have also put that off all week. Now I'm thinking last night is the night...Wednesdays are perfect. Husband can pick up the Grumpy Girl and then I will take the 18 year old grump with me. I really need to get this done now or I'm going to have to wait and wait and wait and frankly I would love for this entire mess to be over with already. So I get out of work a little early -- the cold is kicking in full force now snot nose and all.. love not being able to breath let me tell ya!
Anyway, get to the hospital now and I go straight over to the registration area. Even though this is a standing order I have to register each time I go in ... you would think that they would know me by now but oh well. Sit down, say that I am there to get my blood work done and low and behold, lab is closed. They are having sewer issues and they Roto-Roter guys are there. This is a brand new hospital for pete's sake!! Just opened it's doors and moved all the existing patients in the beginning of September. UGGGG!!!
So now I am really tired, very grumpy and this cold is winning the battle!! In walks Husband who then proceeds to be very busy getting together all things to do with the Hunt!!! NO WAY!!! My reply to that is simple, "YOU WILL GET DINNER TONIGHT, YOU WILL TAKE CARE OF YOUR CHILDREN TONIGHT, YOU WON'T ARGUE WITH ME BECAUSE YOU GAVE ME THIS DAMN COLD AND NOW I'M GOING TO CRAWL INTO BED AS SOON AS YOU GET ME SOMETHING TO EAT!!! PLUS YOU WON'T ARGUE AS YOU STAYED IN BED WITH THIS FOR 3 DAYS STRAIGHT WITHOUT A SECONDS THOUGHT TO HOW LIFE WAS MOVING ON WITHOUT YOU!!!"
I believe that he was a little scared!
And Today
I made it through last night and there were no bloody battles to speak of. Went straight off to sleep the second that the baby was in bed.
So this morning I wake up, sick as a dog... sniffle sneeze uggg... and then to top everything else off I AM STARTING MY FLIPPING PERIOD TOO!!!
That's right kids, cramps gallore! I think it is so completely unfair. At least I believe that this is the period. It has been 3 weeks since my m/c and the spotting is much more blood like then it was before. My back is in such pain that I feel that I should probably just be in the midst of the m/c all over again. And more than anything I want to shoot most of the people that are coming near me right now because I find all people annoying and want them to all disappear while I go home and sleep!!
So to all you hunters out there enjoying the time away from your families and the everyday issues in life I simply say to you this:
Remember you have to come home sometime!!!!
I'll post the HCG result tomorrow! Today this just feels to much like work now!!
sniffle... sniffle ... sniffle....
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Okay so it is Hunting Season! Yuck!!
Posted by PatientlyWaitingMary at 9:51 AM
Labels: HCG levels
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Deal or No Deal?

Wish I were there!

Waiting for your beta!! I hope it's zero!!
OMG... I just realized that I never even asked the number when I just called. She said no more blood work and I was so excited that I asked if I could wear tampons and that was that... Uggg...I'm not calling back there is no way!
When are you getting yours done again... they have to be close if not down all the way by now.
Hugs back!
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