We all could use our angels around us. Verrocchio's Angel.

We all could use our angels around us.  Verrocchio's Angel.
We all could use our angels around us. Verrocchio's Angel.
Your vision will become clear only
when you can look into your own heart.
Who looks outside, dreams;

who looks inside, awakes.

-Carl Gustav Jung

Monday, October 29, 2007

Back to Life

So I am returned to work today. Thank heavens!! After being at home for a week straight I thought I was turning into a shut in or something. Still don't have my energy level up where it should be and there is some minimal cramping happening but nothing that a little Tylenol shouldn't be able to take care of so far right! Let's hope.

Here's to getting back in the game of life kids! Cheers!!

And on a side note, it only took me an hour and 1/2 to get through the billion emails that I had piled up here since I couldn't access them from home. That was just not right at all!!


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Deal or No Deal?

Wish I were there!

Wish I were there!