Okay so I have been thinking all day what my life would be life if I never had a miscarriage. I would currently have 3 children, I'm guessing all girls since I believe that I am destined for girls, with one on the way. Four children!! Oh my.
Jennifer being the oldest is going to be 19 in February. Then there is Ashley, my step-daughter who will be 15 in July. Then the first m/c baby would be going on 8 years old, we would have named her Josie. Kylie just turned a year and the next would be here in May. We never got to even pick out a name for that one yet.
Talk about a busy household.
I'm guessing that I would never get caught up on laundry EVER since I barely keep up now as it is. Todd would drink a lot more than he does now so that his nerves would not drive him to his grave by the time that he was 45. I would be the cool mom that all the kids love because let's face it this is my story so I'm telling it how I like. My figure would also look like that of the most perfect model in the world for that matter. And my hair and makeup would always look perfect!!! (haha So far this is my favorite blog.)
Each morning would be a madhouse trying to get the girls out to school. Their father would take them and then I would sit down and have a nice hot cup of coffee. (How Brady do I look in your mind right now?)
Then I would go off to work for the day where I would try to get my blogging in while trying to work. Then I would go home where we all sit around the dinner table enjoying the nice meal that my live in cook whipped up.
After dinner would would sit by the fireplace enjoying each others company and laughing at all my quite funny husband would say about his day.
And that is how different our lives would be in my dreams!!
Friday, October 26, 2007
What dreams are made of
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Deal or No Deal?

Wish I were there!

Dreams.... I Have those too. I think I would've had another girl too. I remember people telling me I was nuts for "starting over" when I already have a highschooler (14) - I feel guilty for thinking just for a second that maybe they were right. Now I'm just pissed they even said that to me. I would've been SOOO happy to START over.
oh imdesired... my husband and I are on our second marriage. With Jennifer 17 and Ashley 13 we decided to have one child together when we had Kylie. I am sooooo relaxed with her. The difference between making mistakes with your first child then knowing the mistakes will come with this one and just letting them roll off is amazing. Todd now thinks that I am nuts wanting another one since he is over 40 but I'm like we are all going to get older, the difference is I'm having fun doing it. We have more fun now than we did before Kylie that is for sure.
Have you decided to try again yet? Whatever you do tell you friends to shut up!! Listen to your own heart and nothing more. If you feel that you have all this love to give than it will happen!!
Stay sweet!
I think the only thing weighing on my mind is that my Husband is over 40 too (41) - and I just think of him being an older Father, but really, he's an active guy, but I do still think about it.
I hear you on the mistake thing. Even with the difference between my 1st and 2nd was amazing. I was SO laid back!
I heard a GREAT analogy, Raising kids is like making pancakes. The first one you burn, screw up and mess up, and then with each one you get better and better. By the last one, it's perfect, round, great shape, and you had fun making it.
:) Anyway, I thought it was cute.
Yes, I want to TTC with all my heart, I want to be pregnant, enjoy what I was should be enjoying NOW. I'm just scared to go through this again. DH is SO excited and happy to have another, he wants to get started NOW!
I will tell people to shut up now. I'm not going to listn to that nonsense any more. A baby is a gift, a life is a gift.
I have a lot of friends reaching 40 with kids getting older, and they're starting to go out more, do things, and I do think about that. I mean, I have a 7yo and a 14yo. I'm like "Wow, Honey, in like 10 more years we really wont have to do the kid thing anymore" But if we start over we're back at square one, but we like that. Plus we take our kids everywhere!
Anyway, I'm just so sick of the comments! Did you ever hear that line? "I can't believe you're starting over"?
Shaddup people!
We hear the "Can't believe you are starting over" from tons of people but the friends that we have that really mean a lot to us NEVER say that. It is almost like they already know where we are and how we feel so they know better than to make the comments. With us the big shocker came when my daughter got pregnant right and sat me down to tell me 2 weeks after Kylie was born. More than anything that took us all off guard and my husband became dead set against having any more from that moment on because he thought that we would end up taking care of her baby and ours. It is totally the opposite. We spend our time with Kylie and Jennifer takes over completely with Kennedy. Makes me feel good to know that she got that motherly instinct right off the bat. When she first found out that we were having Kylie I think she was a little worried but that soon died away. Now she is like "Mom I think you should have another one, or even twins!!" She just thinks that it is fun to have the little ones around.
I just keep telling Todd that I want that little boy now. I think that he will warm up to the idea but I'm sure that he thinks that we both need a breather right now. It was just too much for both of us this last time.
It's nice to know that you and your husband have the same feelings that me and my husband are having. And it is so funny to me that everything sort of changes as soon as someone turns that evil 40!!
Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!
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