We all could use our angels around us. Verrocchio's Angel.

We all could use our angels around us.  Verrocchio's Angel.
We all could use our angels around us. Verrocchio's Angel.
Your vision will become clear only
when you can look into your own heart.
Who looks outside, dreams;

who looks inside, awakes.

-Carl Gustav Jung

Monday, October 15, 2007

Day one of the waiting game

No heartbeat.. now we wait Husband and I went to the doctors office today for the last ultrasound. As I suspected there was no heartbeat at all. So basically we are in the waiting period now. Stopped the progesterone and now waiting for the cramping and bleeding. Doesn't that sound just fabulous.I was actually going to stop looking for things on the computer but I found another blog and I thought what a great way to be theraputic. Type it out. The other persons story was so like my first time, almost down the amount of time that the entire process actually took.Now I'm just really really tired. Probably because my body still thinks that I am pregnant. I think that i will come back to this later. Right now I'm thinking nap time.

1 comment:

imdesired said...

I'M SO glad you started this blog, and I'm glad mine was there for you to read it. I just remember wishing so much I could find REAL stories of people in our shoes. I hope it doesn't last long for you, and I'M SOOO sorry you're going through this. BIG fat hugs.

Deal or No Deal?

Wish I were there!

Wish I were there!