We all could use our angels around us. Verrocchio's Angel.

We all could use our angels around us.  Verrocchio's Angel.
We all could use our angels around us. Verrocchio's Angel.
Your vision will become clear only
when you can look into your own heart.
Who looks outside, dreams;

who looks inside, awakes.

-Carl Gustav Jung

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Still happening really??? Day 4

Okay so it is only 8:52am and so far what an exciting day. I tried to drive into work today. That didn't go over so well. I no more than got away from my house and I wanted to die. Contractions, cramps, you name it and it all started back up again. I dropped my daughter off, turned around and came home. No more than walked into the house and I ran to the bathroom to push out a clot about the size of a lemon. I think that I am still having this miscarriage. Can you believe that one!! This is the 4th day for Pete's sake. There have been 3 more big ones since that time and I'm still contracting here.

So my doctors office opens in 5 minutes and I will be the first one on the phone with them. Is it really possible that the tissue didn't come out so I am still having all of this now? Last time may have been unbearable pain but at least that only lasted 1 day for a few hours. This is nuts!

I'll keep you posted later.

1 comment:

imdesired said...

Oh, I think it's possible. Especially with a natural m/c. ((honey)) I'm sorry. :( So sorry!

Deal or No Deal?

Wish I were there!

Wish I were there!